Tomorrow is the official start to my Birthday Week. Not a full week but just like a 5 day work week, Friday thru Tuesday. I have all my plans set and just need the finishing touches of last minute grocery shopping. Saturday I’m going outlet shopping with my sisters and I have a few things on my list of what I’m looking for:
1. Bright Colored Skirts
2. Yellow Top
3. Open Cardigans
4. Bathing Suit and Cover Up
5. Ikat Top
6. Pleated Skirt
But my real birthday present is my plan on purchasing a Michael Kors watch. I’m so happy I found them cheaper on Amazon. I also have been thinking of these wedges from Zara non stop. I really want to find an Ikat shirt this weekend and a red skirt. Oh yeah and on my birthday wish list is Bread Pudding! I LOVE BREAD PUDDING! and this is my no guilt birthday weekend so I have to find a place to get this from. I’ve scouted out a few places already.
My Bday Wishlist by nmeik
The best bread pudding in the world is at the Columbian restaurant in Celebration. The secret ingredient is white chocolate. You won’t be disappointed. Rh