Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prep for the weekend!

Tonight I got off work late, so did Matt, which ended up canceling our only date night during the week :(  I called my sister last minute because I needed to use the time to go to BJs and buy some food for my Bday Family Lunch this Sunday.  I don’t know if most people put this much effort into their own birthday’s, but I love my birthday.  It’s my most favorite holiday of the year apart from Christmas.  If you asked my boyfriend, “hey what do you want to do for your birthday?”, his responses would include anywhere from “I don’t know” to “I don’t care”  and maybe that is most people’s bday attitude, but not mine.  My birthday is not just one day, there is a Birthday Week and mainly a Birthday Weekend, depending on when the actual day falls.  This year its a Birthday Weekend followed by two vacation days from work = a 4 day celebration of me! 
Back to tonight, I went with my sister to use her BJ’s membership card to find bulk size appetizers for my family.  I figured that my birthday present to myself would be eat whatever I want and regret it later :)  Birthday lunch will include all my favorite appetizers…Cream Cheese Jalapeño Poppers, Sweet Potato Fries, Cheese & Crackers, Ham&Pickle rolls, crossing my fingers my sister will make Texas Caviar, and I’d love to be able to find Fried Mushrooms.  I will definitely regret this meal later.  I caught my sister off guard so I had about 20min to wander around BJs before she arrived.  I checked out the random book aisle.
BJ3 Did you know that Gwyneth Paltrow had her own Cookbook?  I did not know this or expect this from her.  I flipped through a couple pages and it looked like some fancified meals made to look easy or like something you would normally whip up.  I like Gwyneth Paltrow, even more now after hearing hear sing in Country Strong, or that she can sing!  Maybe her musician husband gave her some pointers. 
BJ4 Then I saw this guy staring at me.  First thought, who would want to read a book about a 16 yr old kid.  He only has about 13 yrs of his life that he probably can recall.  Then sadly I admit, I am a bit curious about him, his movie about his life looked kinda of interesting to see his home videos.  But NO, I would not read his book no way.  Maybe drag my niece to watch his movie but that is as far as I would go. Well I tried to at least, she turned me down. :)
BJ5 These books caught my eye.  I love looking at baking books. I’ve always loved to bake and maybe that is because of my mom.  I remember her baking recipes more than her dinner ones.  I loved making cookies with her, we would take turns putting in the ingredients and use our imagination with each one.  The Sugar was the snow, the stick of butter the house, etc…Therefore, I still love baking and being creative with baking is even more fun and delicious to boot!  I have the Martha Stewart Cupcakes book, and sadly I started eating healthy so soon after I got it that I didn’t have time to try any of the recipes yet.  Her Cookies book looks amazing too.  The Hello Cupcake series is so creative and fun, I wish I had the time to try all the ideas in these books or the reason to make them in the first place.  I think I’d have to be like a caterer or own a bakery or something.  Also how fat would I be if I started making all this stuff on a regular basis?  I could always wait until I have kids to gobble all the cookies and cupcakes up, but then I’d probably have chubby little kids waddling around too!
BJ2 My sister, KT finally arrived and started checking out books too.  She was drawn to…

BJ1 Senior Moments!  Also thought the Train Your Brain To Get Happy was an interesting book title.

I picked up my poppers and that was all I ended up with.  The poppers rang up .51cents more than what was advertised, and yes I asked for my 2 quarters back.  And yes I should be embarrassed that I bothered to ask for my money back but it’s BJ’s, if money meant nothing I would have gone to Publix. 
My BJ’s trip was not as fruitful as I had hoped.  I’ll have to swing by Wal-Mart later this week to pick up the rest of the stuff.  Luckily my parents will be in town Friday night to help. 

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