Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hello Cupcake!!!

My niece’s 1st birthday is coming up on 8/31 and I’ve decided to make the cupcakes for the family festivities. The theme of the party is undecided at this point but I’m getting excited about all the cute cupcake ideas I’m finding. Which ones do you like best?

Panda Cupcakes:
panda_cupcakespanda face cupcakes

Sheep Cupcakes:
sheep cupcakessheep 2

Monkey Cupcakes:
monkey cupcakes monkey cupcakes 2

Little Piggy Cupcakes:
piggy cupcakes
piggy cupcakes 2

Owl Cupcakes:
Owl Cupcakes2 big owl cupcakes

Cookie Monster Cupcakes:
Cookie Monster Cupcakes


  1. I like the pandas, monkeys, pigs, and owl!

  2. panda or cookie monster, the owls look cute but I think it would take forever to make 20 or so of those!
