Sunday, August 14, 2011

When life gives you lemons you make cupcakes!

Today I’ve had a lazy Sunday. I worked a little on planning out more cupcake ideas for future baking days while I watched the finale episodes of SYTYCD. I’m baking Lemon Cupcakes for a birthday at work tomorrow. I call them my Pucker Up Cupcakes. I haven’t made cupcakes in months, but tonight this is what inspired me to pull out my past ideas and add to them. I came up with some fun flavor ideas; playing with Coconut, German Chocolate Cake, Raspberries, Apple Pie filling and Carrot Cake. Not all together just in case you were wondering. I’m going to have to start making more of my cupcakes but I just can’t eat them, so I’ll have to find reasons to make them and give them away. I’m sure others won’t complain. I got way off track with my eating habits this last week with the family beach trip. And last night was just as bad with a hearty dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse, but it was yummy!


Cupcakes are done. Still finishing up the Finale SYTYCD. If you watch the show you already know who won. I’m a little behind on my DVR watching. I’m just glad no one spoiled it like my old boss did with the American Idol finale. I’m about to find out who won…..and the WINNER is……


She was my top pick since the first episode, so I’m glad she won tonight. Now that SYTYCD is over that is it for me until fall TV starts. Good thing for Netflix Instant Play.

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