Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sweetest thing EVER!

So if you know my day to day activities it does not include the news, no paper, no nightly news, nothing.  Except for what they show on the Weather channel.  The only time I watch the news is when CNN is on over the treadmill I happen to be on at the gym.  Tonight I saw one of the sweetest things ever.  Let me preface it with, watching the service men return home and seeing their spouses and children get surprised and cry is very touching but I’m sorry this doesn’t beat what I saw tonight. Service men reuniting with their dogs!!! I almost started crying on the treadmill! I have a huge soft spot for dogs. Watch the CNN segment, these reunions are one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Ok kids reuniting with their dads is pretty great too.

I posted a couple of the full versions of the reunions that were just super adorable that I found on You Tube.


  1. I got teary, too, but first when reading that you got teary watching the doggie reunions, then again when watching the videos.

  2. They are sometimes our best friends.

  3. oh my gosh the one where the golden retriever sees that woman is so cute!!
