Sunday, August 28, 2011

No Program Scheduled

We have been deep in that lull of summer TV.  You know what I’m talking about.  All your regularly scheduled shows are over and their reruns are now primetime.  And there is only so much Keeping Up With the Kardashians, reruns of Seinfeld and Sex in the City I can handle.  I just flip from one rerun to the next.  Luckily Netflix Instant Play can provide some relief to this reoccurring ailment we all suffer with year after year.  I’m not talking about watching movies.  I’m talking about watching TV series on instant play.  Sometimes you are not in the mood to commit to a 90min to 2hr movie, but you can commit to multiple 40min episodes.  That is when you flip on your laptop and see what Netflix has for you in the TV category.  I have several suggestions to help with your summertime TV blues.  And if you have already seen these shows they are almost so good you could watch them again. 

If you have some time on your hands or just like routine, these are some great TV shows you may have missed when they originally aired or couldn’t keep up with. 

I remember when Ally McBeal was on TV.  I don’t remember watching all of them and I also remember thinking it was kind of weird with dancing babies and imaginary visions always appearing out of the main characters neurotic world.  But now I think this show would fit in fine with television today.  It’s funny, dramatic and witty.  I don’t find the dancing baby weird at all now, well maybe just a little.  This series has it all with a lot of interoffice romance and crazy, quirky court cases.   

Monk I didn’t watch this at all when it originally aired on USA.  I discovered it recently and loved it.  Tony Shalhoub is hilarious as an OCD detective. He solves all his unique cases and does it with a nerdy flare.  It is kind of depressing at times because in his spare time he obsesses over his wife’s unsolved murder and is terribly lonely without her. 

 Bones  Bones is still on TV, about to go into I think the 6th season or 7th, can’t keep up.  But I love this show.  Dr. Temprance Brennan is a forensic anthropologist/novelist who helps FBI agent Booth solve his murder cases by studying the bones of the corpses.  This just isn’t any old murder mystery show, there is of course underlying tension between the two main characters, will they ever fall in love?  Plus also what all good TV shows need, interoffice romance. 

If you can’t commit to 5 plus seasons of endless episodes?  Here are my favorite shows who’s lives were cut way too short.  Why do the good always die young?  With only 2 or 3 seasons to watch these are the top contenders. 

VMars Veronica Mars is yes a teen show off the CW.  But it’s worth it.  Who knew Kristen Bell was sooo witty and funny, love her!  Her dad in the show is an ex-sheriff now private investigator and she has picked up a few tricks of the trade to help solve cases here and there for her school, classmates and random town’s people.  But the biggest case she is trying to solve is the murder of her best friend, with the wrong man behind bars. Being outcasts in her own school because her and her father suspect the family murdered her best friend, she has a lot of enemies.  Most of all it is just fun to watch her spin off a quick witted line. 

pushing daisies  I never heard of this show when it aired, but it is just full of whimsy and sweetness.  Ned has a unique gift of bringing things back to life after they die by touching them.  But if he touches them again they will be dead again forever.  His childhood sweetheart is killed and he accidently touches her at her funeral and he can’t bear to touch her again so he let’s her live.  He teams up with a local private eye to touch murder victims to tell them who they thought killed them.  The whole show is part reality part fantasy world.  Has a little bit of a Dr. Suess feel to the town. 

 better off ted  Not sure if this show was canceled after 2 seasons, maybe it will reappear again.  This is a off beat comedy about a work place. No it’s not copying The Office.  The boss isn’t the wacko, its all the employees this time.  Ted is a normal guy in middle management trying to deal with all the interesting personalities that work at his very unsympathetic corporate office.  Very funny show, I hope it comes back for more seasons. 

Feeling Nostalgic?  Watch one of these great classics available!  There are so many I couldn’t list them all. If you have Netflix check out the instant play shows to fill in for the next month until the fall line up starts. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me know about Pushing Up Daisies and Better Off Ted. I'm going to look for them either on tv reruns or at the library.
