The answer: I downloaded this little gem to my ipod touch. You can also use it online if you don't have a phone/ipod/ipad. This app helps you count your calories consumed and calories burned. Each day you keep a log of the food you eat. This app has a large food directory, most name brand foods are there. I've only had to add a few items to the list, but once you add it, it will be available to use again. You also log any exercises you did that day, if you don't know the exact calories burned it will give you a standard calories burned for the exercise you enter in. Work out days are my favorite because that equals more food for me. The other great thing is you can track your nutrients for the day or even chart it for the month. This way you can see if you are not getting enough protein, carbs, etc... In my case potassium.
I've lost 10lbs so far over the last 3 months.
If you are looking to drop a few pounds this year, Check it out!!!
Other things I implemented into my sustainable fitness plan:
1. CHEAT: on the weekends - Go out to eat and order whatever you feel like (for me this usually is pasta, steak, and oh yeah French Fries! I wont' give into Pizza because of the Pandora's box that may open)
2. EAT SWEETS: Weight Watchers has a fantastic variety of ice cream treats that are low calorie - this makes me feel like I'm not depriving myself of sweets. Funny thing is I normally don't eat sweets but once I can't have them that is all I want.
3. NO SODA: give it up, toss it out, do with out! (ok once in awhile you can have a diet soda)
4. WATER: drink a glass of water after dinner - water is very filling and it also will help kill your current craving. Another secret to kill a craving - GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH! it's hard to crave a chocolate chip cookie when you have minty fresh breath. Don't believe me, try it!
5. PLAN: always plan out what you are going to eat, making decisions when you are hungry can lead to no good. Also something that helped me was I planned out all the restaurants around my job that had at least one low calorie menu item. This added some variety to my new brown baggin' it lifestyle.
6. TAKE THE STAIRS - my office is on the 2nd floor, there is no excuse for me to use the elevator on daily basis. Therefore, I have not stepped foot in that elevator in months.
7. SET A GOAL: Don't focus on the actual weight, focus on how you look. Set a goal in your head of how you want to look. I still have a long way to go from my goal.
As you can see I do not look like this................................................................YET!
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