Monday, June 20, 2011

It’s a Huddy Buddy Day!

DSC06433This is my nephew Hudson (a.k.a Huddy, HudBud, Huddy Buddy)
He turned 3 this weekend.
We had a special themed family birthday party for him.
He loves Mario and is obsessed with playing with his big brother's DS and he is actually good at it too.
We all had specially made tshirts each with one of his favorite characters on it.
His favorite character as you can see from his shirt is Bowser. Even his cake had Bowser on it.
Here are some fun pictures of the day.

Huddy with all his cousins in front of the Mario wall.

We all took our turns imitating the Mario jump.


Huddy’s imitation looked more like a little sailor saluting. So cute!

Huddy like that Big Bowser was on the wall and his shirt.
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Huddy and his big crazy family!

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