Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lessons learned this week…and it’s only Tuesday!

Two days into the week and I’ve already walked away with two important lessons learned. (Long post sorry…)

1. I carry an umbrella in my laptop bag everyday to work. Thinking that I will have it when I go into work and leave work if needed and at my desk if needed during my lunch break. The umbrella does me no good if I forget it during my lunch break. Monday lunch I did such a thing and it was pouring outside when I pulled back up to work. I always pride myself on my “always be prepared” attitude. I have kept a beach towel in my car forever, why I don’t know I’ve never really needed it. But today…light bulb! I wrapped it around my body and took a chance and ran through the parking lot in my super high heels slipping around and I made it inside. Top half of me dry, bottom half of me soaking wet!!! Actually 2 lesson’s learned here…one always bring my umbrella with me during lunch or better yet buy another umbrella for the car and two my towel in the car paid off!

2. There are things that you learn as you grow up that you should know by heart. Your birthday, phone number, your address, your social security number, in my case my debit card number for my quick online shopping…Well tonight I realized that I didn’t remember all that I should. I’m running at my highest speed on the treadmill a good 10min into my workout when I hear over the intercom…“Will the owner of a black Honda CR-V with the license# blah blah blah come to the front desk you left your lights on” I think to myself “can you be a little more specific?” I drive one of the most cookie cutter cars of 2010. I tried to differentiate myself by adding a roof rack and a personalized license frame so I could at least pick my car out of the line up of cars in the parking lot. The other day I walked up to what I thought was my black Honda CR-V and kept hitting my clicker and trying the door a good 3 or 4 times before I realized that my black Honda CR-V was parked right in front of this stranger’s CR-V…True Story! So anyways, I then thought to myself it can’t be my car, my lights are on auto, I don’t remember any ding ding ding when I was getting all my stuff out of the car and I really don’t want to lose my treadmill. Luckily my work out partner was on her way and I texted her to check. And what do you know it was my black Honda CR-V. That has never happened to me in my whole life. I was fortunate that when I returned to complete my workout a treadmill opened up just for me! The lesson learned here is I need to learn my license plate number.

Now here is a lesson to the movie makers in tinsel town. Don’t fix what ain’t broke. I meant to say something about this the other day but I held back. But now I’m ready. I’ve had a pet peeve for awhile about poorly made movie remakes. Which is almost funny to say out loud because I don’t know if there has been a good movie remake. Cheaper By The Dozen is one of the worst they totally ripped off the title and the idea behind it and completely just made it all different and nothing like the original movie. But I’ll try to think of at least one good remake by the end of this post. I came across this trailer for a remake of FOOTLOOSE! #1 how can you mess with such a classic? I know teen movies are all the rage and dancing is the new trend but leave well enough alone. #2 No one and I mean no one will be able to or can even attempt to fill Kevin Bacon’s shoes. As I watched this preview to the most heartbreaking movie remake I just wondered how much worse can it get. Now don’t get me started on movies based of best selling books because that is worse to me. The preview shows this unknown kid (I mean it should have been at least someone cool like Zac Efron, but maybe he is getting too old to play a teenager) trying to imitate the scene where Kevin Bacon dances in that empty warehouse, it was just a feeble attempt to be as awesome as Kevin Bacon, which he failed miserably. Here you can judge for yourself on this ridiculous movie remake! Ok I thought of a good movie remake – True Grit – awesome movie! Granted I’ve yet to watch the original, but I don’t see how the remake didn’t do the original justice. And Jeff Bridges is just as cool as John Wayne and that is the basis of my opinion.

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