Sunday, June 19, 2011


10 Things about My Dad:
1. My dad is very goofy and likes to joke around. He is like a big kid, which made him a fun dad growing up. You can always count on him for something silly to say. The majority of all my memories of him when I was growing up includes him playing with us girls and just having fun.
2. He is a fantastic storyteller. He would make up very elaborate stories to tell us at bedtime growing up. These weren't just short 10min stories these stories had chapters and volumes lasting several nights, for example the story of "The Nose that Ran Away."
3. He is very creative. He made a lot of picture books for us as kids and still does it for his grandkids today. He is also a good artist. He can draw and carve wood.
4. He went on his mission to Germany and loves the culture there. He even went to get his PhD in Germanics/Humanities and wanted to be a college professor. He has 100s of books of Russian & German literature. He tried to teach me and my sisters to speak German when we were kids but we weren't interested.
5. He loves his sweets. Rootbeer, ice cream, and anything lemon flavored! But don't try to sneak anything with artificial sweetener, he will not eat it and even though I can't tell a difference he sure can. He gets excited about going out to eat and loves food.
6. He is an animal lover. Ever since he was a kid he loved gorillas, chimpanzees, and all apes. He taught us to appreciate the primates! He also loves all dogs. You can count on him to watch the dogs shows on TV.
7. If you met my dad you would think he was a quiet man, however when he does speak he has something to say and people listen. He if very funny and a great public speaker. If you get him talking about a subject he is interested in you will not be able to get a word in at all.
8. He loves watching old movies. He got satellite TV just for the Turner Classic Movie channel. Ask him about any old movie and he usually has the answer.
9. He loves to read. All he ever wants for Christmas is BOOKS! Mainly church books. He is very knowledgeable about our church history. He loves to visit used bookstores.
10. He enjoys shopping, big surprise! Loves bargains and likes to be stylish with his clothes. Maybe this is where I get my love for shopping and style from. I remember growing up he would help me pick out outfits. Well at least he tried to. He loves to have the latests and greatest gadget, next up he wants an ipad.



  1. Oh and the title of this post made me laugh!

  2. This was the best Father's Day gift you could have given him. KK
